Making Sense of Repression in Police Studies: Whither theorizing in the descent toward fascism

Tamari Kitossa



On the left and the right, theorists of policing concur that the study of policing, dominated by a ‘correctionalist’ orientation, is in a moribund state. This apparent consensus conceals the nature of the complaint of each perspective and consequently obfuscates the limits of the Consensual-Pluralist view versus the analytical power of the Conflict-Marxian perspective. The latter takes seriously the dynamic interaction between police, the state and society. From a counter-colonial perspective of the repressive apparatus and the neoliberal state’s movement toward fascism, this paper offers a critical assessment of both perspectives and identifies how the Conflict-Marxian perspective on may be strengthened.


capitalism, fascism, neoliberalism, police, police studies, the state, repression

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